In a world where even washing machines are programmed to live a certain number of years, man is faced with an unprecedented and unexpected longevity. Thanks to medical-scientific progress, prevention and generally better living and working conditions, the world’s population life expectancy has gained 10 years over the last 50 years.
The pages intended for qualified investors pursuant to Art. 10.3 of the Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) also contain information on investment funds that may only be offered to such investors.
A Swiss representative and a Swiss Paying Agent have been appointed pursuant to Art. 120 para 4 and Art. 120 para 2 lit. d CISA for Funds for Qualified Investors and certain documents of the Funds for Qualified Investors have been updated with the necessary information.
In order to proceed, you must confirm that you are a qualified investor based in Switzerland.
Before investing, please read carefully the KIID and Prospectus related to the Swiss Market.