New acquisition in the art market for Tendercapital Alternative Funds Plc: the company, through its sub-fund, acquired “Toy Wine, 1972”, an artwork by Gilbert & George.

The artistic duo, who has been working together since 1968, opposes to the traditional concept of art aiming to an “art for all”, with means and figures rooted in contemporary reality.
Among the most important exhibitions there are: Photo-pieces 1971-1980 (1980, Eindhoven, Stedelijk van Abbe Museum); Gilbert & George (1984, Baltimore, Baltimore Museum of Art, 1985, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York); Pictures 1983 to 1988 (1990, Moscow, Central Artists’ House, Tret’jakov State Gallery); G. & G. China exhibition (1993, Beijing, National Art Gallery, Shanghai, Museum of Art); Gilbert & George (1996, Bologna, Modern Art Gallery).