Tendercapital's support for Super-i continues as it celebrates its first year of activity

Tendercapital continues to participate in the SUPER-i project, with the aim of making a significant contribution to generating investment and collecting data on energy efficiency renovations in the social housing sector.

The month of September saw two new important project milestones. The first one took place in Rome on 22 September: a meeting where the different teams came together for the first time to pull the strings of the data collected in the previous year and discuss possible ways to enhance the ongoing projects.

Afterwards, a workshop was held in cooperation with Social Housing Amabilina on ‘Energy Efficiency and Renovation in Social Housing‘, which highlighted solutions and resources to increase investments in energy efficiency in the context of social housing, with the ultimate goal of reducing energy poverty in Europe.

The overall objective of SUPER-i is to support the financing of energy-efficient renovations of social housing across Europe, while increasing the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption, following these specific objectives:

  • ePPPs (Public-Private Partnerships for Energy Efficiency) and tailored roadmaps;
  • Data collection and processing;
  • Integration of EE investments into portfolio management strategies;
  • Awareness and replicability;
  • SUPER-i roadmap and platform;
  • SUPER-i investment pipeline.

Read more about the project on the SUPER-i website