New acquisition in the art market for Tendercapital Alternative Funds Plc: the company, through its sub-fund, acquired « Toy Wine, 1972 », an artwork by Gilbert & George.

The artistic duo, who has been working together since 1968, opposes to the traditional concept of art aiming to an « art for all », with means and figures rooted in contemporary reality.
Among the most important exhibitions there are: Photo-pieces 1971-1980 (1980, Eindhoven, Stedelijk van Abbe Museum); Gilbert & George (1984, Baltimore, Baltimore Museum of Art, 1985, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York); Pictures 1983 to 1988 (1990, Moscow, Central Artists’ House, Tret’jakov State Gallery); G. & G. China exhibition (1993, Beijing, National Art Gallery, Shanghai, Museum of Art); Gilbert & George (1996, Bologna, Modern Art Gallery).