BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

BARICCO, INDIAS - the event.

Watch « Baricco, Indias. The reading », a TenderToArt event in collaboration with Vanity Fair.
Writer Alessandro Baricco and Condè Nast Editor-in-Chief Luca Dini read some articles from Archivo General de Indias.

Read the article on Vanity Fair